Joy of Giving

Have you experienced the joy of giving? That feeling of “Wow, thank you Lord for the privilege of meeting someone else’s need”, either through a surplus or perhaps a sacrificial gift. It is one of the most incredible feelings I’ve ever experienced. The apostle Paul notes:

In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35 (NASB)

In looking through my mail (and e-mail), I was struck by the numbers of ministries that need money as we approach year-end. It seems as though times are particularly hard for those serving various needs in the Body of Christ.

Maybe you want to give more, but haven’t figured out how yet. One of the best ways we’ve found is to set aside a certain amount each month based on your budget. We just call it “other giving” and keep track of the amount. If bookkeeping isn’t your thing, then set aside the funds in an envelope somewhere safe. We don’t always know exactly what need is going to come up, but want to be ready. As the Lord brings a need to our attention, the funds are readily available.

This idea isn’t original with me, it dates back to Biblical times, and many authors have espoused the same idea.

Perhaps your finances are not yet in a position to give money to a particular ministry. Then how about volunteering a little of your time? Ministries are looking for volunteers to help out – and you’ll make a difference!

Experience the joy of giving this Christmas (and the rest of the year too)!