Financial Tools You Can Use
Financial Tools You can Use! Many people have asked - what is the best tool to use to keep track of my finances? My answer is simply...the one that fits you best. [...]
Financial Tools You can Use! Many people have asked - what is the best tool to use to keep track of my finances? My answer is simply...the one that fits you best. [...]
Get Your Financial House in Order! Many times I write these posts with a little whimsy or a little humor to them. Unfortunately, this is not one of those [...]
Spend It Wisely My wife and I volunteer on the counting committee at church. You wouldn’t think that a real behind the scenes job like that would provide much [...]
Now what is it you do? Ah, that age old question that comes firing back at you when meeting someone for the first time, or as you network with others [...]
Joy of Giving Have you experienced the joy of giving? That feeling of "Wow, thank you Lord for the privilege of meeting someone else's need", either through a surplus or [...]
Churches and Tax-exempt Status What if, as some are calling for, churches would no longer be considered tax-exempt? If you have been following events over the past few years, [...]
Online Giving Let's face it. You spend more and more of your life, time and resources online, including the time you've taken to read this blog post. One of the [...]
Just a User Name and Password Ever feel like you have been reduced to "enter your user name and password"? I know I certainly do - and I feel like [...]
The Conductor Ever listen to an orchestra warming up before the conductor arrives? It sounds horrible! I was reminded of this the other night watching my niece play in her college woodwind [...]
Surprise! "I hate surprises", I remarked a while back to several people after I was kept out of the loop on some issues at work and things didn't go my [...]